PolarisDAO FAQ
What is ARIS?
ARIS is PolarisDAO’s native token. It will be used for protocol governance and voting on expenditures of the PolarisDAO Vault (treasury).
Will PolarisDAO operate a treasury of KSM to purchase NFTs as investments?
PolarisDAO will operate the KSM Vault, which will be used to purchase NFTs from any network in the Dotsama ecosystem. Holders with at least 40,000 ARIS can initiate a proposal in the PolarisDAO OpenSquare voting space (https://voting.opensquare.io/space/polarisdao). While only those with 40,000 ARIS or more can initiate a proposal, all holders will be able to participate in the vote with their ARIS and select the NFTs for investment. Proposals can also be initiated to fund artists directly, participate in RMRK land auctions, and any other creative endeavours. PolarisDAO can also initiate the sale of NFTs to replenish the treasury when market conditions are right.
How will token holders be rewarded?
ARIS holders can earn rewards through providing liquidity on exchanges that have integrated ARIS such as Karura (https://apps.karura.network/). Artists that work with PolarisDAO will also offer airdrops to ARIS holders as a way of giving back to the community.
Will ARIS holders be able to supply ARIS as collateral for minting aUSD on Karura?
We have discussed this opportunity with the team at Karura, and we have agreed that once ARIS has reached a sufficient amount of liquidity this option will be available.
Will NFT holders be able to deposit NFTs with PolarisDAO and take a loan in ARIS?
Not currently, but it is an idea we are exploring with our future Dapp development efforts and DeFi protocol integrations.
How will NFT airdrops work?
NFT airdrops are part of our artist grant program. Artists that the community votes to fund through ARIS will also give back to the community through these airdrops. We will decide the list of airdrops based on ARIS holdings and the number of NFTs available.
How will token holders participate in other investment opportunities?
Those with at least 40,000 ARIS can submit an investment proposal by investment, including project analysis and summary, then ARIS holders will vote in whether to invest in the project. There will be announcements and communications when these votes are initiated to ensure PolarisDAO members have access to early investment opportunities and an exclusive investment plan.
What is the creator incentive program?
The Creator Incentive program is designed to support creators in the Dotsama ecosystem, and is designed to foster a mutually beneficial long-term relationship between PolarisDAO and creators through community support and the ARIS token economy.
What is the virtual gallery and where can I find it?
PolarisDAO Gallery is a virtual gallery created on Spatial (https://spatial.io/s/61e3ef780acea100010b361d?share=5891269628326783025). We provide users with a one-of-a-kind virtual NFT viewing experience. It has been designed to allow users to enjoy excellent works from the Dotsama ecosystem. The gallery's works will be updated regularly.
How do I get my work, or the work of an artist I like, into the virtual gallery?
Please feel free to send us an email or connect with us on Discord regarding new NFTs and interested artists. Users can share NFT works in the appropriate Discord channel where other users can react to the NFTs they want to see in the gallery. New NFTs will be added periodically based on these metrics.
What is the forum for?
The forum is a free discussion place where you can initiate discussions and proposals before the official vote on the governance platform. This is a more formal discussion platform than Discord and allows us to focus the discussion on the potential proposals.
What is the utility of the NFT membership cards (https://polarisdao.showme.fan/)?
The membership NFT will prove useful once we launch on Moonriver in the near future.
Last updated